Domy mobilne a wymagania do spełnienia
Domy modułowe - Kalisto

Domy mobilne a wymagania do spełnienia

Poniżej znajdziecie Państwo kilka ogólnych informacji dotyczących budowy domów mobilnych w Polsce o powierzchni od 35m² do 70m².

  1. Przepisy prawne

A mobile home as a year-round building can be erected on a construction or recreational plot.
Mobile homes up to 35m
2 do not require a building permit.
All that is required is a notification of your intention to erect a bungalow on your plot to the relevant District Office.

W przypadku domów mobilnych całorocznych powyżej 35m2 A building permit may be necessary.
If we treat such a house as a temporary structure a building permit will not be necessary, but then it will be necessary to move it at least twice a year to another plot of land.

W przypadku domku letniskowego do 70m2 There is a provision that allows the erection of a house by notification.
This means that a building permit in such a case is not required, you only need to notify the planned project to the relevant authority.

Biorąc pod uwagę nieprecyzyjność przepisów prawa budowlanego w każdym przypadku polecamy udać się do Starostwa Powiatowego, pod które podlega nasza działka, aby uzyskać więcej informacji.

  1. Warunki urbanistyczne

Przy budowie domof summer cottages, it is important to pay attention to the urban planning conditions applicable to the area.
The zoning plan determines whether and where summer houses can be built.
In some areas there are special zones designated for this type of development.

  1. Ograniczenia gruntowe

It is also necessary to check whether the plot of land on which the mobile home is planned to be built meets the requirements for ground conditions.
In some cases, there may be restrictions related to the type of land or protected areas.

  1. Kanalizacja i woda

When building a vacation home, it is necessary to ensure access to sewerage and water.
Depending on the location and regulations, you may need to meet certain sanitary standards, which includes access to a sewage system or installing a suitable septic system.

  1. Energia elektryczna

Ensuring access to electricity is also a key element.
In some cases, it may be necessary to sign a contract with a local electricity supplier and make the necessary installations.

  1. Właściwości energetyczne

Energy efficiency issues have also been growing in importance in recent years.
As a result, it is worth considering the use of green building technologies that can help save energy.

Remember that the above information is general in nature.
We recommend that you consult with your local municipality or seek the assistance of a construction lawyer to obtain the most up-to-date and precise information regarding the construction of a mobile home with specific parameters.

Are you interested in building your home?
Feel free to check out our range of mobile homes.